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Lactation Support


We are here to give you and your baby the help you need to get started, and the support you need to succeed.

Breastfeeding provides essential nutrition for infants birth to one year and older. As with learning anything new, most breastfeeding mothers and babies (and dads too!) need some instruction and support during this learning period.

We will do our best to help you meet your breastfeeding goals. Any breastmilk you feed your infant is a gift of health for your child that lasts their lifetime.

We do encourage moms to breastfeed exclusively or give only  breastmilk for the first four months then continue to breastfeed and give solid foods until your baby is a year old.

We will help you as little or as much as you need. We provide in-office feeding evaluations for hands-on help.

Some areas we can provide guidance include:

  • Positioning your baby at the breast

  • Latching

  • Caring for your breasts and nipples

  • Assessing milk transfer

  • ​Assuring adequate nutrition

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