Bay Colony Pediatrics strongly believes in immunization. Dr. Ramchandra has seen and diagnosed many deadly infectious diseases in her 20+ year international career. We strongly believe that vaccines save lives, are safe, and are needed. We strongly believe that everyone needs flu vaccine, HPV, and Men B vaccines.
All new patients are required to bring their shot record for the first visit. If you do not want vaccines or want an altered schedule or refuse to enter data to the state registry, please find another practice that can suit your needs. For our vaccine policy, please click here.
We follow the immunization guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and schedules from CDC. For information about these vaccines and the diseases they protect you from, please click here.
Vaccine schedules are complex for catch-up in case you have missed vaccines. Our computer program use Artificial Intelligence algorithms to predict what vaccines you need based on what was given in the past. We export data to the Texas state vaccine registry.
For detailed vaccine informational sheets (VIS) published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) please click here. We have listed vaccines we routinely give at our office at the end of this page, please click on the name and you will be directed to the corresponding VIS- vaccine information statement.
Vaccine Safety: The Facts Safety facts on vaccines from the AAP
Catch Up Immunizations Schedules
What vaccines does your child need?
Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K-12
The vaccine schedule from birth- to 18 years is as shown. Official CDC schedules change often. Click here for the latest information, or call us at 281-614-2445 and will help you out.